As a living, learning and working community, Susquehanna University affirms its commitment to developing and sustaining lifetime connections with students. This commitment extends institutional values and philosophy that hold student achievement, leadership and service above all else: qualities that, over a lifetime, reflect the excellence of a Susquehanna education. The statement is borne of a recognition that the thoughtful and ongoing engagement of our graduates will best inspire and empower them to be perpetual stewards of their alma mater.

Susquehanna places high value on relationships with her graduates and is committed to supporting programs and activities that engage alumni. All members of the campus community share responsibility for developing, encouraging and fostering an environment in which such relationships flourish and inure benefit to students, faculty, 工作人员, and alumni. Effective alumni engagement is achieved when:

Faculty and 工作人员 play fundamental, contributing roles:

As relationship developers with students;

As relationship stewards with alumni; and therefore

As identifiers of student and alumni leaders, advocates and contributors.

Opportunities exist for alumni to have meaningful, rewarding connections with students and faculty, including activities enabling alumni to strengthen the core educational experience of students.

Deliberate and intentional communication happens between the university and:

STUDENTS, in order to prepare and acquaint them with the value they will receive as alumni, as well as the opportunities they will share with fellow alumni for stewardship of the university; and

ALUMNI, in order to foster their active involvement and participation in the life of Susquehanna.

Information about alumni is exchanged freely and intentionally within the Susquehanna community, to enrich our graduates through meaningful connections and to ensure that solicitations for support recognize existing faculty and 工作人员 relationships.

Maintaining a productive and meaningful alumni community is essential to sustaining Susquehanna as a viable and competitive institution of higher learning and indispensable in educating undergraduates for productive, creative and reflective lives of achievement, leadership and service in a diverse and interconnected world (from the Susquehanna University mission statement). The university Board of Trustees is committed to providing resources and supporting conditions necessary to promote the requisite culture to succeed in our alumni engagement efforts.